“Dalempoortje” 2022 80x100cm/31.5×39.4in. This painting started as a small study done on location. The weather and light were perfect. I figured the scene deserved a larger version.“Brakel Ruin/Ruïne van Brakel” 2024 oil on panel 24x18cm“Broersepark, Amstelveen” 2023 24x18cm oil on acm panel“Kinderdijk” 2023 18x24cm oil on panel“View from Woudrichem area” 2023 24×18 oil on acm“Biesbosch Glory” 2021, 18x24cm/7×9,5in oil on panel. Armed with my camera, I went out on a cloudy morning. The mood was dreary and chilly. Somewhat disappointed, I turned walk back to my car, when suddenly the sun shone through the cloud cover. This resulted in a few lovely reflections on the water, that I managed to capture on my dslr and painted it later on in my studio.“Biesbosch Siësta” 2021, 18x24cm/7×9.5in oil on panel. One hot summer’s day my friends and I rented a boat and went on a trip through the Biesbosch national park. We stumbled upon many a pictureque scene, but this was one of my favorites. The cows were clearly affected by the heat. Seeing them seek refuge under the fallen, but still very much alive willow tree was a treat that I tried to capture in this painting.
“Biesbosch Encounter” 2021, 18x24cm/7×9.5in oil on panel. Only a few hundred meters further onwards and we found ourselves encountering these wonderful animals taking a nice dip to cool off. I almost wanted to just stay there and watch the rest of the day. What a sight to behold. I knew right away there was a painting in this encounter.
“Path along the Bandijk” 2021, 24x18cm/9.5x7in oil on panel. I take great pleasure in watching the great resilience of willows in water. Seemingly left for dead at the water’s mercy, abandoned by the land, yet still managing to thrive in there for many years.
“Sunset in the Biesbosch National Park” 2021, 18x24cm/7×9.5in oil on panel. In this painting i tried to capture some of the serene beauty the Biesbosch National Park has to offer at dusk.
“Gat van Den Kleinen Hil” 2021, 18x24cm/7×9.5in oil on panel. After a delightful boat trip, again in the Biesbosch National Park, I decided to try to capture some of the Biesbosch atmosphere and play around with some of the color temperature.